White Light is a part of The Prince Project that follows Seven. It is a multi-genre installation that includes a 10-layer custom sewn muslin garment called Armor for White Light, a three channel video called Spillover and the projection of the armor's patterns on a figural sculpture called Beautiful Mother. Spillover was created from a live performance where I enacted exercising movements in the garment. When Spillover is installed in an exhibition space, the central panel is positioned between a second video that shows each of the armor's garments falling in sync around the central figure.
Spillover's choreography is taken from St. Ignatius of Loyola's 1548 Spiritual Exercises: 1: reform the deformed, 2: conform the reformed, 3: confirm the conformed, and 4: transform the confirmed. The colorful small plates that encrust sections of Armor for White Light are sewn paper strips cut from airbrushed drawings I made between 2002-2012. White Light is positioned as the last component of The Prince Project to serve as a place of strength, celebration and regeneration. Garment assistance: Elizabeth Fontaine. Video assistance: Sidney Mullis.